Year 7 & 8
The College firmly believes in providing a broad-based curriculum to its students.
The timetable in Year 7 and 8 includes core subjects English Language and Literature, Integrated Science, Maltese, Mathematics, Religion, Personal, Social and Career Development (PSCD) and Physical Education.

Equally important is digital literacy, covered through C3 which was introduced nationally in 2018 instead of ECDL. The C3 syllabus deals with digital ethics, digital safety, coding, robotics, 3D printing and home manufacturing, automation, Internet of Things (IoT) as well as digital currencies and blockchain, amongst other themes; an excellent grounding in these skills that our students need in our digital age. More information is available at: ICT C3 – C3 (skola.edu.mt)
Languages are also given great importance at the College. As citizens of the world, we believe our students should have the ability to communicate fluently in languages other than Maltese and English. Accordingly, our students choose 2 languages from French, German, Italian and Spanish, which subjects they follow until the end of Year 11.
Students in these year levels also follow Environmental Studies (encompassing Geography, History and Social Studies) and Home Economics. We are also one of the few all-girls schools on the Island to offer Design and Technology to our students. We feel it gives an added dimension to their learning experience and equips them to approach problem-solving from more diverse angles.

Art, as well as Music Appreciation through which students are exposed to the classical and modern musical idiom, both give our students space for artistic expression, whether individually or in groups. Students are guided to express their creativity, whether by creating musical resources or collaborating on joint musical projects. They are also exposed to visual art techniques and encouraged to develop their own style and artistic expressions through individual work or via the preparation of props for school shows.