Senior School Curriculum

A Day in the Life of the Senior School 

The school day is split into eight lessons of forty minutes each, with a mid-morning break of 15 minutes and a longer break of 50 minutes later on in the day.  

Lessons are generally held in the home class, however students are also required to change location during the day as per their timetable to follow lessons in the labs and specialist classrooms allocated to Art, Biology, Chemistry, C3, Computing, Design & Technology, Health and Social Care, Home Economics and Physics  

During the longer break, staff members or parents run various clubs which students enrol for at the beginning of the first term. Each student is expected to sign up for at least one club.  The vast array of midday break clubs includes, among others, the Science Club, Drama Club, Chess Club and sports clubs such as Basketball and Netball. The selection of clubs is dynamic and changes according to staff initiatives and their skills set.

Year 7 & 8

Year 9 – 11

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