Student Empowerment
At Sacred Heart College we believe in giving students the opportunity to take centre stage. The long-standing EkoSkola Council and the recently-established Students’ School Council provide opportunities of involvement and growth to all our students.
The EkoSkola Council is composed of students in Year 3 to Year 6. Over the years it has been highly successful; in fact the College has held the Green Flag Award for the past 6 years. The Students’ School Council was set up in scholastic year 2022-2023 and is made up of students from Year 4 to Year 6. Both councils are democratically elected by their peers.
Through their involvement on these teams, learners are given the opportunity to work together and to collaborate with adult advisors, whilst learning how to voice their opinions and concerns and share innovative ideas related to their life at school. Students acquire important values of citizenship, leadership and human relations as they actively contribute to create a harmonious and student-centred environment at school.
Junior School Students’ Council 2023-2024