Year 9 -11

The College provides comprehensive preparation for SEC syllabi, typically starting in Year 9.  

As of 2022, a new Learning Outcomes Syllabus was rolled out nationally for students who are sitting for the revamped SEC examinations in 2025. This new approach places the student as the focal point of learning, emphasising continuous assessment over traditional exams and tests. Consequently, during the SEC course from Year 9 to Year 11, students engage in specific tasks called SBAs (School Based Assessments) which are formatively assessed. The marks obtained in these SBAs contribute to a percentage of the final SEC exam mark.  

The Year 9 to Year 11 curriculum encompasses core subjects English Language and Literature, Maltese, Mathematics, Religion, Personal, Social and Career Development (PSCD) and Physical Education as well as the digital literacy subject C3 and Environmental Studies (which comprises Geography, History, and Social Studies). All subjects in this group, bar Personal, Social and Career Development (PSCD) and Physical Education lead to a SEC exam.  

Students further their studies in the two foreign languages other than Maltese and English, these being French, German, Italian or Spanish, chosen in Year 7. In Year 11, they also sit a SEC exam in these subjects.  

The curriculum on offer to our students in Year 9 to Year 11 is further complemented by optional subjects chosen by students according to their aptitude as individuals. Given the College’s wholehearted belief in a broad-based, holistic approach that prepares our students for life, we offer students a free and open choice of subject options. This gives students the opportunity to choose from a wide array of subjects, thereby broadening their future prospects. Please click on the Options Subjects Booklet below for further information relative to the optional subjects on offer at the College. 

Drama: While not part of the formal curriculum, drama is available as a mid-day break club. The drama club frequently collaborates with other schools, leading to live or recorded performances that have on occasion also been aired on local TV. Dramatic arts also feature prominently in the annual Prize Day performances which are a big event at the College. Additionally, Year 11 students are given the opportunity of organising their own Soiree, from scriptwriting to costume selection and choreography, thereby fostering team-building,self-confidence, problem-solving and leadership skills. 

Art: The College greatly values artistic expression, and the Art Department at the College actively fosters this. Aside of their coursework, students participate in nationwide competitions and students collaborate with teachers on projects that adorn the Senior School corridors. 

Physical Education: Senior School students are given the opportunity to engage in various sports using the expansive school grounds and the gym. The College also participates in Inter-Schools Tournaments with pleasing results. Regular trips to the nearby National Pool are organized to enhance students’ swimming abilities, in line with SEC syllabus requirements. 

Microsoft Showcase School Incubator Program: In 2021, the school applied for the Microsoft Showcase School Program, a long-term aspiration of the Head of School, Mrs. Attard Pulis. This program provides an opportunity to connect with an extensive network of educators and school leaders using Microsoft tools. It fosters educational transformation and promotes growth in 21st-century skills through the use of the Education Transformation Framework. The Senior School has been admitted to the initial phase of this program, making it one of the pioneering Microsoft Incubator Schools in Malta. 

STEM and Digital Literacy: The school was awarded the Competent Label under the STEM Schools Label during the 2022/2023 academic year. Further details can be found on the STEM School Label

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